The practice is involved in a pharmacy minor ailments scheme. Selected pharmacies in the area can provide advice and a prescription (free of charge if you are normally exempt from charges), without the need to see the GP. The conditions that can be treated by the pharmacy include coughs, flu symptoms, rashes, diarrhoea, thrush, head lice etc. Please see the pharmacy minor ailments leaflet for further details.
Symptoms to take seriously
- If someone has unexplained chest pain - call 999
Contact the surgery if:
- an asthmatic remains short of breath even after using the recommended treatment
- someone becomes drowsy or confused, especially with a headache, neck stiffness, dislike of light or a rash
- you develop blood loss from anywhere unusual
- you experience unexplained weight loss
- there is a change in a mole
- there is a sustained change in your bowel movements
- lumps or bumps appear in your breasts or testicles